Welcome to the Nutrition Therapy Clinic
Our Nutrition Therapy Clinic offers a range of science-based Nutritional Therapy and Lifestyle Medicine programmes to improve and support your health and wellbeing from Autoimmunity, Hormonal and Preventive Gastro-intestinal health conditions. Within these categories, we are able to help with thyroid-driven conditions, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), H. Pylori, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), acid reflux and heartburn to hormonal imbalances such as the above mentioned thyroid imbalances (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto’s, Thyroiditis); hormonal imbalances such as acne, PCOS, amenorrhea, PMS and dysmenorrhea.
Located in Marbella, RE| HEALTH Clinic and international online Clinic
Nutrition Therapy applying the principles of Functional Medicine uses the patient’s story as a key tool for integrating prognosis, signs and symptoms, and evidence of clinical imbalances into a comprehensive approach to improve both the patient’s environmental inputs and his or her physiological function.
Each individual’s nutritional needs are determined by his/her own unique biochemistry and therefore nutritional therapy considers nutrition and lifestyle-based health sciences to assist the individual to optimise his or her physiological, emotive, cognitive and physical function.
Nutrition therapy works alongside medical care to help you reach your health goals – what ever your age or life situation. Take the step toward healthier you and contact us for an appointment in one of our Nutrition Clinics in Marbella, London or through our virtual platform.

Our Approach
With complex, unique to everyone, multi-faceted conditions such as these, our approach is multi-factorial. Paloma looks into nutritional deficiencies, sub-clinical clues, sleep quality, stress management, negative behaviours/thought patterns, toxic overwhelm, environmental stressors, physical and mental pacing, life purpose and emotional well-being.
Paloma combines a gentle, supportive approach with analytical and scientific focus points.
There are different phases within the health of an individual, which present with different symptom severities, hence the order of support is also critical. Additionally, many programmes may attempt to pressure you into making changes that you may not be ready for. Such an approach not only creates unnecessary stress but has also been shown to be ineffective in motivating change.
Individually – tailored Support
The Nutrition Therapy Clinic applies nutrition, naturopathy and well-being lifestyle changes in order to offer a supportive system which can help you overcome challenges that realistically work for you by being in alignment with your individual circumstances, goals, life purpose and personality.
Lifestyle Medicine, Longevity, Functional Medicine and Nutrition Therapy are coming to the fore as a major modifiable determinant of chronic disease, with scientific evidence increasingly supporting the view that alterations in diet have strong effects, both positive and negative, on health throughout life.
Common symptoms related to the gastrointestinal tract and digestive systems are inflammation, bloating, constipation, gastric symptoms such as heartburn, reflux, bad breath, general discomfort, diarrhoea, vomiting, swallowing, unexplained gain or weight loss, ulcers, H. pylori, small intestinal overgrowth, parasites, food allergies or food sensitivities.
Common symptoms related to the thyroid gland are fatigue, tiredness, inability to losing weight, poor scalp / hair / nails, constipation, weight gain, weight loss, anxiety, poor sleep patterns, high cholesterol, low mineral status.

I.B.S, bloating, digestive discomfort, constipation, thyroid …
Clinical Nutrition Therapy applying Functional Medicine can identify symptoms such as these which suggest that you may have a malfunctioning gastrointestinal system, thyroid or poor immune system resilience. This could mean a range of things: you may be suffering from a food intolerance; the levels of good bacteria are suboptimal; you may have experienced food poisoning or you are deficient/insufficient in supportive vitamins and minerals. By identifying where the problem lies through laboratory testing and then correcting any nutritional / functional imbalances with the right mineral, nutritional, herbal or food plan, we can work towards a healthy outcome together.
Are you an emotional eater? Do you suffer from food cravings or your metabolism isn’t just right?
Eating is emotional. It can comfort us, make us happier (initially) and settles us when we feel out of sorts. We can assess your functional programmes through nutrition, bio resonance, intra cellular testing and identify what triggers your cravings and offer you a simple plan to help you knock those cravings on the head. Always working towards the root cause.
At the Nutrition Therapy Clinic our team of accredited clinical NutritionTherapists’s primary focus is seeing you gain the support, empowerment and knowledge you need to improve your health through a whole functional medicine nutritional, herbal and natural approach.
The clinic uses the power of individualised and science based therapeutic preventive nutrition alongside nutraceuticals to ensure our clients achieve optimal results.
Book your complimentary 15 minute discovery call today